Emotional Freedom Technique

What is EFT and how will it make my life better?

EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique - has been described as emotional acupressure. The process is simple: You tap with your fingertips on the ends of certain well known energy meridians, while focusing in on that negative emotion or problem. Amazingly, the charge of those emotions is released. Phobias and anxiety dissolve, obsessions lose their grip, painful memories release their charge.

Most physical symptoms have roots in emotional sources, and as the emotions are released, symptoms often go as well.

EFT is finding its value in every arena: for athletic, business & educational performance; in relationships, abundance & health issues; pregnancy, childbirth & raising happy children... It only takes 5 minutes to learn EFT. And you can apply it for the rest of your life. Come to an introductory session, a workshop, or private session.

Rates: $60 per hour

Contact:  Joanne Sales     250-752-4816    www.islandhealing.ca